Welcome Message From the Librarian
Welcome to the Kumasi Technical University Library. The University Library consists of the Lending and Reference Libraries located on the First and Second Floors of the Administration Block and the B – Tech Library located on the Third floor of the B-Tech Block. The primary function of the library is to provide resources, facilities and services needed for study, teaching and research in the Polytechnic.
The Library also provides access to electronic resources to assist students, lecturers and other users of information to develop skills that will ensure better use of available knowledge base. It has a total stock of 21,125 volumes and subscribes to a number of core print academic journals.
The Library is air-conditioned and has seating capacity of 556 readers. The Library is a member of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH) and has access to a number of electronic journals and databases through CARLIGH. The Library also has a Bindery provided under the TALF Project.